Massage has been around for thousands of years and is the perfect therapy to help with general health and wellbeing and complement conventional medicine.
Massage therapy is the practice of manipulating the muscles and soft tissues for therapeutic purposes. During the massage, the body is manually moved, held, stroked and has pressure and frictions applied to muscles, tendons and other soft tissues.
All massages are done with moisturising hypoallergenic oil directly on to the skin only the parts of you being massage will be uncovered and you are coved in a towel for modesty.
Massage Benefits
Massage can be beneficial for a variety of reasons. Massage can help with soft tissue injury, it can help after exercise to clear lactic acid out of your muscles and help them recover.
Massage can help with tension, pain, muscle stiffness, joints, and improve mobility. Massage can help with the immune system, lymphatic drainage and it can improve your circulation.
Massage produces endorphins which is a feel good hormone so it can help with relaxation depression, anxiety, insomnia and a greater sense of wellbeing. Massage can help with skin texture, cellulite, stretch marks and scar tissue.